"THE success of the “Minerva Isle of Wight Pictorial and Guide” in the first year of its existence has been so marked that we find it necessary to go to press again in order to meet the unexpected demand for the book. It has been found to be a useful, handy book of reference requiring but little study and research of the reader to alight upon the particular information required at any moment. As we remarked in our first edition, floral language is the bane of guide books; it is not necessary for the guidance of visitors in seeing a place to the best advantage, and therefore it will be my study, in performing the duty of Guide, to point out the various places and objects of interest and to stand aside while my readers note and admire the charms of our “fair isle of the sea.’ My general remarks will therefore be brief, reserving the details to the proper occasions. "
The Minerva Isle of Wight Pictorial and Guide - circa 1900