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Newport - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 14

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

1146 Results


Newport, Commercial
Gray Robert James, dairyman, Palmer's cottage, Staplers
Greengrass Henry, news agent & stationer, 100 High street
Griffin Walter, Plough inn, 48 Upper St. James street
Groundsell Herbert G., accountant, 98 Carisbrooke road
Gunner & Wilson, solicitor, 98 High street
Gunner Ernest John (firm, Gunner & Wilson), solicitor & commisioner for oaths, & clerk to the commissioners of sewers & sec. to the Yarbridge Co., 98 High street
Guy Annie Maud (Mrs.), Trooper inn, St. James street
Guy Samuel, corn chandler, 115 Pyle street
Guys Limited, wheelwrights, 6 Pyle street
Hale John, tobacconist, 12 High street
Hamilton Oliver Charles, shopkeeper & beer retailer, 31 Chapel street
Hampshire Independent (branch office) (Henry Greengrass, agent; published fri. & sat.), 100 High street
Hand-in-Hand Friendly Society (Cornelius Salter, hon. sec.), Wheatsheaf Hotel, St. Thomas square
Harding Edward Ernest, decorator, 1 Hendford villas, Fairlee road
Harding Henry, beer retailer, 44 Carisbrooke road
Harding Henry, tobacconist, 85 High street
Harley Ernest, hair dresser, 5 St. Thomas square
Harley Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper, 21 Caesars road
Harnett Albert Thomas, insurance agent, 76 Caesars road
Harris Edward, White Horse P.H., 94 Upper St. James street
Harrison Alfred George, clerk to the guardians & assessment committee of the Isle of Wight union & supt. registrar of Isle of Wight district, 30 Pyle street
Harvey Albert Edward, confectioner, 127 High street
Harvey's (Mrs.) Home (Miss Williams, lady superintendent), Broadlands house, St. Paul's road
Hawkins Frank, blacksmith, 9 Hunny hill
Hawkins Henry E., tailor, 146 High street
Hawthorn Glendower, beer retailer, 97 Hunny hill
Hayles Edgar S., picture dealer, 74 High street
Hayles James Robert, pork butcher, 105 St. James square
Hayles William Spencer, iromonger, 41 High street
Hayward Frank, shopkeeper, 90 Pyle street
Hayward Isaac, baker, 70 Pyle street
Heal Harry, Maltster, South street
Heal James Henry, grocer, 134 High street
Heal James Henry, watch maker, 110 St. James street
Hellyer Edmund A., insurance supt., Yelverton, St. John's road
Hendy Isaac, chimney sweeper, 72 Hunny hill
Henly George, manager of Isle of Wight Central Railway & Freshwater, Yarmouth & Newport Railway, & Newport, Godshill & St. Lawrence Railways, Railway station, Holyrood street
Henshaw Miss M.A., mistress, Barton mixed Elementary School; built 1835 at a cost of 600GBP and a new boys' school in 1866; average attendance 180 boys, 175 girls, 153 infants.
Herrington George & Co., miller (water), Town Gate mill, St. James street
Hibbard Frederick, grocer, 64 High street
Hills Jane (Mrs.), Shoulder of Mutton P.H., East street
Hinds Frederick James, denist, 97 The Mall
Hinds Stephen John, Warburton's hotel, Quay street
Hiscock Charles Froud, solicitor, see Lamport, Bassitt & Hiscock
Hitchman Bertha & Emma (Misses), wardrobe dealers, 74 Pyle street
Hobbs & Co., butchers, 1 Lower St. James street
Holdway Sarah L. (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Drill Hall road
Holland Ernest E., deputy supt. registrar, Isle of Wight union, 30 Pyle street
Hollis Charles Walter, grocer, 74 Trafalgar road
Hollis Emma (Miss), laundress, 43 Castle road
1146 Results


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