Newport, Commercial |
Gray Robert James, dairyman, Palmer's cottage, Staplers |
Greengrass Henry, news agent & stationer, 100 High street |
Griffin Walter, Plough inn, 48 Upper St. James street |
Groundsell Herbert G., accountant, 98 Carisbrooke road |
Gunner & Wilson, solicitor, 98 High street |
Gunner Ernest John (firm, Gunner & Wilson), solicitor & commisioner for oaths, & clerk to the commissioners of sewers & sec. to the Yarbridge Co., 98 High street |
Guy Annie Maud (Mrs.), Trooper inn, St. James street |
Guy Samuel, corn chandler, 115 Pyle street |
Guys Limited, wheelwrights, 6 Pyle street |
Hale John, tobacconist, 12 High street |
Hamilton Oliver Charles, shopkeeper & beer retailer, 31 Chapel street |
Hampshire Independent (branch office) (Henry Greengrass, agent; published fri. & sat.), 100 High street |
Hand-in-Hand Friendly Society (Cornelius Salter, hon. sec.), Wheatsheaf Hotel, St. Thomas square |
Harding Edward Ernest, decorator, 1 Hendford villas, Fairlee road |
Harding Henry, beer retailer, 44 Carisbrooke road |
Harding Henry, tobacconist, 85 High street |
Harley Ernest, hair dresser, 5 St. Thomas square |
Harley Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper, 21 Caesars road |
Harnett Albert Thomas, insurance agent, 76 Caesars road |
Harris Edward, White Horse P.H., 94 Upper St. James street |
Harrison Alfred George, clerk to the guardians & assessment committee of the Isle of Wight union & supt. registrar of Isle of Wight district, 30 Pyle street |
Harvey Albert Edward, confectioner, 127 High street |
Harvey's (Mrs.) Home (Miss Williams, lady superintendent), Broadlands house, St. Paul's road |
Hawkins Frank, blacksmith, 9 Hunny hill |
Hawkins Henry E., tailor, 146 High street |
Hawthorn Glendower, beer retailer, 97 Hunny hill |
Hayles Edgar S., picture dealer, 74 High street |
Hayles James Robert, pork butcher, 105 St. James square |
Hayles William Spencer, iromonger, 41 High street |
Hayward Frank, shopkeeper, 90 Pyle street |
Hayward Isaac, baker, 70 Pyle street |
Heal Harry, Maltster, South street |
Heal James Henry, grocer, 134 High street |
Heal James Henry, watch maker, 110 St. James street |
Hellyer Edmund A., insurance supt., Yelverton, St. John's road |
Hendy Isaac, chimney sweeper, 72 Hunny hill |
Henly George, manager of Isle of Wight Central Railway & Freshwater, Yarmouth & Newport Railway, & Newport, Godshill & St. Lawrence Railways, Railway station, Holyrood street |
Henshaw Miss M.A., mistress, Barton mixed Elementary School; built 1835 at a cost of 600GBP and a new boys' school in 1866; average attendance 180 boys, 175 girls, 153 infants. |
Herrington George & Co., miller (water), Town Gate mill, St. James street |
Hibbard Frederick, grocer, 64 High street |
Hills Jane (Mrs.), Shoulder of Mutton P.H., East street |
Hinds Frederick James, denist, 97 The Mall |
Hinds Stephen John, Warburton's hotel, Quay street |
Hiscock Charles Froud, solicitor, see Lamport, Bassitt & Hiscock |
Hitchman Bertha & Emma (Misses), wardrobe dealers, 74 Pyle street |
Hobbs & Co., butchers, 1 Lower St. James street |
Holdway Sarah L. (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Drill Hall road |
Holland Ernest E., deputy supt. registrar, Isle of Wight union, 30 Pyle street |
Hollis Charles Walter, grocer, 74 Trafalgar road |
Hollis Emma (Miss), laundress, 43 Castle road |
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