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Newport - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 13

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

1146 Results


Newport, Commercial
Elkins William, registered vet. surgeon, 6 Cavendish place
Elliott Samuel, apartments, 4 Drill Hall road
Eyles William C.H., miller (steam), East street
Fallick William Henry, apartments, 24 Quay street
Fardell John (firm, Fardells), solicitor, clerk to the commissioners of taxes & to the justices of the Isle of Wight division, 33a Hoyrood street
Fardells, solicitors, 33a Hoyrood street
Farley Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 105 Hunny hill
Fiander William & Co., Vectis minerial water manufacturers, 65 Pyle street
Fire Brigade (Volunteer) (N.H.T. Mursell, Chief Officer; Alfred Whittington, 2nd officer), Quay street
Fisk John W., miller (water & steam), St. Cross mills, Crocker street
Fleming Herbert E.A., farmer, Marvel, Watergate road
Fleming, Reid & Co. Limited, hosiers, 33 High street
Fletcher W. & R. Limited, butchers, 110 High street
Flux Henry, coal merchant, South street
Flux William, undertaker, 104 Pyle street
Foot Percy, boot maker, 89 Hunny hill
Forward Miss A.B., infants' mistress, Barton mixed Elementary School; built 1835 at a cost of 600GBP and a new boys' school in 1866; average attendance 180 boys, 175 girls, 153 infants.
Foster Stanley L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.Edin. & L.F.P. & S.Glas. (firm, Coombs & Foster), surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator to South Arreton district, Isle of Wight union, 6 High street
Frampton George Henry, greengrocer, 104 Carisbrooke road
Fraser-Tytler Cecil D., dentist, 97 Carisbrooke road
Freemantle H. & Son, pianoforte dealers, 67 High street
Freemasons (Albany Lodge, No. 151) (J.C. Millgate, sec.), Lugley street
Freshwater & Yarmouth Water Co. Limited (George Long, sec.), 35 Lugley street
Freshweter, Yarmouth & Newport Railway Co., (George Henley, manager; S. Peck, sec.); manager's offices, Railway station, Holyrood street
Fry F. & Co., pork butchers, 94 Pyle street
Fry Georgina (Mrs.), apartments, 39 Hunny hill
Fry William A., hair dresser, 4 Carisbrooke road
Fry William Henry, cattle doctor, 77 High street
Fuller Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 Holyrood street
Gallaway James Henry, Supt. & deputy chief constable (county), Kingsfield, Ryde road
Game Maria (Mrs.), tailoress, 15 Chapel street
Gayley Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, 8 St. John's road
Gentle Frederick Joseph, boot & shoe dealer, 118 High street
Gentle Joseph, general draper, 26 & 27 High street
George J., tanner & currier, 19 St. Thomas square
Gibson J. Albert M.D., C.M.Edin., D.P.H. medical officer of health for the Isle of Wight Rural District Council, Field House, Castle road
Giddens Sergt.-Major George, drill instructor C & D Companies 8th Territorial Battalion (Isle of Wight "Princess Beatrice's") Hampshire Regt., Drill Hall road
Good Charles Arthur M.R.C.V.S.L., veterinary surgeon & veterinary inspector under "Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act" for West Medina, 35 Upper St. James street
Goodland Edward R., cycle dealer, 82 Upper St. James street
Goodland Edward, greengrocer, 53 Upper St. James street
Goodwin Hubert, outfitter, 108 St. James square
Goslin Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 95 Hunny hill
Gould & Co., aerated water manufacturers, 14, 15, & 16 St. Thomas square
Gould Benjamin Samuel, builder & carpenter, Clarence road
Gould James Richard, jobbing gardener, Sydney cottage, Hunny hill
Gould Mrs. S.E., girls' mistress, C of E Elementary school, (boys', girls', and infants); built 1816 for 700 children; the boys' and girls' departments were rebuilt 1910 at a cost of 4250GBP; average attendance 185 boys, 188 girls, 171 infants.
Grainger Sarah (Mrs.), fancy repository, 87 High street
Gray Emily (Miss), dress maker, 67 Carisbrooke road
Gray Henry, printer, 35 Holyrood street
Gray Robert Charles, waterproof cover maker & tent & marquee proprietor, 81a High street
1146 Results


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