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Newport - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 15

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

1146 Results


Newport, Commercial
Hollis Percy, grocer, 18 Quay street & miller (water), Shide
Home & Colonial Stores Ltd. (The), tea dealers, 131 High street
Hopkins Robert G., pianoforte tuner, 12 West street
Horton John, boot repairer, 74 Upper St. James street
Howley Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Carisbrooke road
Hunt Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Lukely place, Carisbrooke road
Hurst William, iron & brass founder, see Wheeler & Hurst
Hutton William Daniel, yeast merchant, Carnforth, Medina avenue
Huxham Edward, manager of National Provincial Bank, treasurer to the county of Isle of Wight & Agricultural Society & borough treasurer, 107 St. James square
Ince William, boot repairer, 63 Upper St. James street
Inland Revenue Office (John Francis Grant, supervisor), 51 Pyle street
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 42 High street
Island Star Newspaper Co. Limited (David Edmund Richards, publisher & sec.), 102 High street
Isle of Wight Central Railway Co. (George Henley, manager; Francis Launcelot Beard, sec.), manager's office, Railway station, Holyrood street
Isle of Wight County Club Limited, Registered Office (john Carr, sec.): club, 18 St. James square
Isle of Wight County Press Newspaper & Printing & Publishing Co. Limited (published sat.; George Alfred Brannon, managing director & publisher); chief office, 26 St. James square (removing to 29 High street)
Isle of Wight Cycling Club (F.W. Yelf, hon. sec.); head quarters, Wheatsheaf hotel, St. Thomas square
Isle of Wight Electric Light & Power Co. Ltd., Little London
Isle of Wight Joint Isolation Hospital (J. Albert Gibson M.D., C.M., D.P.H. medical officer; Miss Truth Peppercorn, matron)
Isle of Wight Journal & Newport Times (branch), 73 St. James street; Messrs. Holbrook & Son Limited, proprietors; published Saturday
Isle of Wight Museum, 30 Quay street
Isle of Wight Savings Bank (John Way, sec.), Mill street
Ivens Alfred Hubert & Co., solicitors, 31 High street
Ivens Alfred Hubert, solicitor (A. H. Ivens & Co.), 31 High street
Jacobs Annie M. (Mrs.), fish frier, 85 Hunny hill
Jacobs Frederick Walter, tailor, 61a Pyle street
Jacobs Henry, fishmonger, 15 Lower St. James street
Jacobs John, advertising agent, 21 Clifford street
James George, chimney sweeper, 24 Pyle street
Jeanes Sidney, photographers, 83 High street
Jeannette Madame, milliner, 101 High street
Jeffery Hugh G., taxidermist, 75 Pyle street
Jenkins T. & E. W., builders & stone masons, 49 Upper St. James street & Orchard street
Jenkins William, antique dealer, Coppin's bridge
Jenkins William, beer retailer, 14 Pyle street
Jennings William Henry P., insurance agent, Pellhurst, Cypress road
Johnson Samuel, news agent, 93 Pyle street
Johnson Sidney, Railway commercial hotel, Holyrood street
Johnson William, boot maker, 72 High street
Johnston William W., insurance agent, 81 Carisbrooke road
Jolliffe Bertie, baker, 75a Hunny hill
Jolliffe William Edward, insurance agent, 6 Clarence road
Jones Mervyn Thomas, shopkeeper, 51 Victoria road
Jordan & Stanley, grocers & dealer in wines & spirts, 19 St. James square & South street & mineral water manufacturers, 32 & 33 Upper St. James street
Joyce Francis Albert, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & notary public & deputy coroner to H.R.H. the Governor of the Isle of Wight, 27 Lugley street
Jukes William, tinsmith & turncock, 4 St. Thomas square
Jupe Henry, marine store dealer, Commercial road [Scarrots lane??]
Kemp Edward, school attendance officer, 30 Chapel street
Kent William, furniture dealer, 25 High street
Killeen James E., Castle & Banner P.H., Hunny hill
1146 Results


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