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Cowes - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 10

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

798 Results


Cowes, Commercial
Hunt Maurice, fruiterer, 15 Birmingham road
Hunt Walter L., insurance agent, 1 Victoria villa, Victoria road
Hurst William James, master mariner, 1 Clifton villas, Mill Hill road
Ingram John, fruiterer, 8 High street
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 94 High street
Island Sailing Club (T.W.B.Faulkner, sec.), 68 High street
Isle of Wight Electric Light & Power Co. Ltd, West Hill road
Isle of Wight Herald (George Fellows, proprietor & publisher; published friday), 5 Shooter's hill
Jacobs Arthur, insurance agent, 71 Tennyson road
Jacobs Ethel (Miss), girls' school, Thornbank, West Hill road
James Joshua William, apartments, Bangalore, Denmark road
Jeffery George, shopkeeper, York street
Jeffery John & Sons, grocers, Terminus road
Jefferys Henry, florist, Northbrook, Moor Green road
Jolliffe Alfred, shopkeeper, Belle Vue road
Jolliffe Henry & Sons, boot makers, 11 Shooter's hill
Jolliffe Jesse & Sons, confectioners, 1 Shooter's hill & 50 & 51 York street & Medina road & grocers, Pelham road
Jolliffe John Stephen, shopkeeper, Tennyson road
Jolliffe John, sec. to Foresters' hall, Altenberg, Beckford road
Jolliffe Joseph Henry, confectioner, Mill Hill road
Jones Ada (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Sun hill
Jones Alfred William, master mariner, Darmstradt, Newport road
Jones Mary (Miss), bookseller & news agent, 73 & 117 High street
Jordan Arthur, insurance agent, Bedfordia, Stephenson road
Jukes William George, blacksmith, Market hill
Kamm Frederick, Victoria inn, 39 High street
Kearney Brothers, grocers, Mill Hill road
Keat & Chambers, painters, 3 Princes street
Keating James, shopkeeper, Cross street
Ketchell Timothy Aldred, Brewery Tap P.H., St. Mary's road
Kirk William Umpleby & Sons, photographers, Bath road
Knight Harry, boot maker, 129 High street
Lallow Alfred S., ironmonger, 115 High street
Lallow Clare, boat builder, Medina road
Lay Henry James, assistant supt. To the Prudential Assurance Co., Baroda, Mill Hill road
Learmouth Archibald, master mariner, 2 Clifton villas, Mill Hill road
Lee Annie (Mrs.), apartments, Montague house, Baring road
Lee George, apartments, Huyton cottage, Victoria road
Lee Samuel & Son, boot makers, 55 High street
Lee Samuel, boot repairer, West Hill road
Lee Thomas Henry, shopkeeper, 80 Tennyson road
Leftwich John (Mrs.) & Son, cooks & confectioners, 72 & 75 High street
Legal Quay & Bonding Warehouses (Shepard Bros. Ltd., managers), Medina Commercial wharf
Legg Ellen (Miss), dress maker, St. James' villa, Granville road
London & South Western Passenger Booking Office (D. King, clerk), Fountain quay, High street
London Central Meat Co. Lim., butchers, 118 High street
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (branch), (Edwin Pragnell, manager), 82 High street; draw on head office, 21 Lombard street, London EC
London, Brighton & South Coast Passenger Booking Office (Jowen Jones, clerk), Fountain quay, High street
London, Brighton & South Coast Railway Co. (Pickford & Co. agents), Medina road
Long Colin, Three Crowns P.H., 45 High street
798 Results


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