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Cowes - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 16

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

798 Results


Cowes, Civic
Meets at the Town hall, on the second Friday of every month at 12 noon
For Belgium, T. W. B. Faulkner, 63a, High street, Cowes
For Holland, Albert Edward Marvin, jun, Princes buildings, Bath road, Cowes
For Spain, Greece, Brazil, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Portugal and Republic of Uruguay, Thomas William Burnell Faulkner, 63a High street, Cowes
For German Empire, R. W. Beal, Birmingham road, Cowes
Consular Agent
France and Italy, T. W. B. Faulkner, 63a, High street, Cowes
Cowes Castle
His Majesty the King, admiral; Marquis of Ormonde K.P. commodore ; Duke of Leeds, vice-commodore; Lord Redesdale G.C.V.O., K.C.B. librarian; Rev. M. C. Berkeley M.A. capkain; Henry Edgar Hoffmeister M.A., M.B. and Thomas Alfred Mayo B.A., M.B. surgeons; T. H. S. Pasley esq. M.V.O. sec.
Cemetery, Newport road, Atherstone Damant, clerk and registrar to the burial boad ; Alfred Gladdis, supt.
County Police Office, Birmingham road, Josiah Bignell, inspector, 1 sergeant and 5 constables ; also 1 sergeant and 2 men at East Cowes and 1 at Gurnard
Cowes Dispensary, Cross Street School; L. P. Gibson M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., t. A. Mayo M.B., and J. W. Hudson L.R.C.P. and S medical officers; William James Marden, sec.
Cowes Town Pier, Fountain quay, L. T. Wilkins, manager
Custom House, High street, and Watch house, Watch House lane, John Stephen, collector, superintendent of mercantile marine and receiver of wreck, ; hours, 9 morning to 3 afternoon, Saturday 9 to 1
Local Fire Brigade ; engine house, Victoria road ; Joseph Billows, supt. Bedford road
Recreation Grounds, Park road
Shipwrecked Fishermen's and Mariners' Benevolent Institution, William Thomas Mahy, hon. agent, Birmingham road
St. Mary's Church, Rev. Andrew Hamilton McElwee M.A., L.Th., B.C.L. vicar ; Rev. Cyril Edmund Carpenter M.A. and Rev. John Thomas Draper, curates
Holy Trinity, Rev. Miles Cecil Berkeley M.A. vicar ; Rev. Clement Erskine Prior M.A. and Rev. Percy Heald L.Th. curates
St. Thomas of Canterbury, Catholic, Terminus Road, Rev. John O'Hanlon, priest
Baptist, Victoria road, Rev. G. Sparks
Congregational, Union road, Rev. John Avan Rees A.T.S., minister
Primitive Methodist (Newport and Cowes Circuit), Beckford road, Rev. Herbert John Sadd
United Methodist Church, Mill Hill road, Rev. Ernest Flower
Wesleyan Methodist, Birmingham road (Newport and Caowes Circuit), Rev. William Herbert Spencer
Mission Church, St. Faith's, Newport road
Salvation Army Barracks, Denmark road
School Attendance Officer, Charles Edmund Burton, Pelham road
York street, Elementary School; erected 1862-3 for 250 boys and 233 infants; average attendance 184 boys, 186 infants ; J. Dewis, master ; Mrs. C. Dewis, infants' mistress
Denmark Road, Elementary School; built 1907, opened 1908 for 354 mixed and 384 juniors and infants; average attendance 321 mixed, 320 juniors and infants ; William Marden, master ; Miss E. Moore, mistress
County Press, 59 High street, W. J. Gubbins ; published Saturday
Isle of Wight Herald, 5 Shooter's hill, George Fallows, proprietor and publisher ; published Friday
Cowes, Thomas Tutton, station master
Mill Hill, Frank Williams, station master
Railways, London, Brighton and South Coast and London and South Western ; passenger booking office, Foutain quay
General Carriers (per rail and water) to all parts daily - Lancelot T. Wilkins, agent to the London and South Western Railway Company, Foutain quay ; Pickfords Ltd. agents to the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Co., Medina road ; Sutton and Co. (Robert Faulkner, agent), Cross street and Shepard Bros. Ltd, Medina road
Carrier to Newport - Samuel Mundell, daily from 'Duke of York'
Steam Packets to and from Ryde, Southsea,Portsea, Portsmouth and Southampton, several times a day; L. T. Wilkins, agent
Steam Packets round the Isle of Wight and to Bournemouth and Cherbourg during the summer months, from Victoria pier
To Southampton and Portsmouth, by the Steam Packet Company and Pickfords Ltd. (goods only)
798 Results


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