Cowes Isle of Wight - the river and floating bridge
Cowes - the sea front - Cowes, the river - Cowes, the town - Cowes, the ferries
A selection of pictures of the river and floating bridge at Cowes Isle of Wight.
click on an image to view a larger version of the picture
dates, where given, usually refer to the date on the postmark

Floating Bridge arriving at West Cowes
contributed by Barry Sowerby
Probably the 1896 ferry built by W. White & Sons of Cowes

Floating Bridge (Bridge No 1) arriving at West Cowes
The 1909 ferry built by W. White & Sons of Cowes

Floating Bridge coming
into West Cowes (Bridge No 1)
contributed by Barry Sowerby
The 1909 steam ferry built by W. White & Sons

Floating Bridge from
East Cowes (Bridge No 4)
contributed by Barry Sowerby
The 1952 ferry built by J. Bolson of Poole