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Ryde - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 10

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

1699 Results


Ryde, Private
Pilliner Frederick James, 3 Wilton street
Pinchard William, Sanitas villa, Garfield road
Pittman Miss, St. Mary's, Upton road
Plummer Ralph Purdey, 10 Wood street
Plumptre Miss, 4 Sydney terrace
Poclet Madame, Barfield house, Barfield
Pollard Henry H., 2 Idonia villas, Garfield road
Polson Mrs., 20 Partlands avenue
Poore Mrs., 11 Park road
Porter William, Courtfield, Spencer road
Powell Capt. William, 31 Argyll street
Powell Mrs., Holly mount, Queen's road
Prain John, 39 Arthur street
Pratt Charles, Hillsborough, Well street
Preston Lionel Litchfield, 10 Melville street
Preston Mrs., Vernon lodge, Vernon square
Price Miss, 16 Player street
Pridmore John Walter, 40 George street
Prinsep Miss, Burford house, Dover street
Prior James, 23 Player street
Pritchard Stephen Richard, 65 West street
Purnell James B., 78 West street
Purnell Mrs., 39 Strand
Quayle George, Yarborough house, Pelham fields
Quench Charles Frampton, 88 Monkton street
Raban Rev. Harry Priaulx (curate of St. Michael's), The Gables, Ratcliffe avenue
Ralph Miss, Rylstone, Yelf's road
Randall Frank William, 29 Queen's road
Randolph Mrs., St. Vincent's villa, Barfield
Rands Frederick William, 60 West street
Ratcliffe Edgar Rainier, The Moorings, Buckingham road
Read Miss, 2 Hawthorn villas, Binstead road
Ready Miss, 8 Belvidere street
Reed Miss, 2 Ratcliffe avenue
Reynolds William Royal Isle of Wight County hospital, Swanmore road
Richards Miss, Roseneath, Spencer road
Richmond Charles, 4 Wood street
Ricketts Mrs., 8 Strand
Riddett William Hammond, Highclere, 82 West street
Rigg Mrs., 46 Queen's street
Rivolta Mrs., East Turret, Strand
Roach Miss, 5 Victoria street
Robiolio Miss, 31 Melville street
Rogers Howard G., Bramdean, Dover street
Rooke Maj.Gen. William R.A., F.R.G.S., Ellerslie, Ashey road
Row Misses, Missenden, Dover street
Rowland Col. W.H., Blenheim house, Spencer road
Rowlett Mrs. A., 31 Castle street
Russell Jacob, Florence cottage, Belvidere street
Russell John William, 9 George street
1699 Results


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