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Newport - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 10

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

1146 Results


Newport, Commercial
Black Fanny (Miss), private school, 25 Clifford street
Black William Charles, incorporated accountant, 147 High street
Blake Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 13 Quay street
Blake J. Cowper M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, 62 High street
Blake William & Son, printers, 33 Pyle street
Blanchfield Thomas, station master, Holyrood street
Bowler Thomas, pawnbroker, 9 St. Thomas square
Brackey George, tailor, 59 High street
Braunstone House School for Girls (Misses Tiptaft, principals), 23 Lugley street
Breaker Frank, gardener, 9 High street
Bricknell George, antique dealer, 7 & 8 Holyrood street
Bricknell Sarah (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 110 Pyle street
Bright & Minns, dyers (steam), cleaners &c., 38 & 39 Upper St. James street
Brown George Walter, butcher, 152 High street
Brown John, general dealer, 60 Crocker street
Brown Thomas, builder, 42 Victoria road
Brown Tom, carpenter, 85 Pyle street
Buckell & Drew, Solicitors, Castlehold chambers
Buckett Obadiah, bricklayer, Cross lane, St Paul's road
Buckler Miss M., girls' mistress, Upper St. James street Elementary school; built 1812 originally known as the Lancastrian and afterwards the Royal British Schools, but transferred to the Newport Board in 1875; re-opened in Jan. 1876 and enlarged at a cost of about 1200GBP, again in 1896; the school will hold 850 children; average attendance 229 boys, 231 girls, 172 infants.
Buckler Thomas Shipman, painter & plumber, 26 Union street
Bull Frank, shopkeeper, 37 Trafalgar road
Bull Robert William, carriage builder, 149 High street
Bullen Robert, district manager of United Kingdom Temperance & General Provident Life Assurance, district manager for Norwich Union Fire Insurance, 33 Lugley street
Bullock William Henry, joiner, 15 High street
Burgess John Henry Edward, optician, Rosslyn, Terrace road
Burnard Margaret (Miss), apartments, 11 Fairlee cottages, Ryde road
Burt Henry, boot & shoe dealer, 91 Pyle street
Burton Frank, draper, 22 Holyrood street & 132 High street
Busby Edward, Dolphin inn, 41 Sea street
Butt Edith G. (Mrs.), cycle dealer, 106 Carisbrooke road
Caddy Edwin J., baker, 54 Upper St. James street
Cant Mary Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer, 22 New street
Capital & Counties Bank Ltd. (branch) (Talbot C.V. Shortland, manager), 22 St. Thomas square; draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London EC
Carpenter Isaac, dairyman, Pear Tree dairy, Barton
Carr John, solicitor, see Alexander & Carr
Cartwright Elizabeth Mary (Miss), dress maker, 83 Pyle street
Carwardine Edwin, Lamb tavern, 50 High street
Carwardine Flora (Miss), shopkeeper, 52 Lugley street
Carwardine Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 11 Town lane
Cass Thomas E., inspector of police, 31 Quay street
Castle Hutton M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S. surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator to Shorwell south district, Isle of Wight union & certifying factory surgeon, 99 Carisbrooke road
Cave Ann (Mrs.), baker, 80 Upper St. James street
Cave Edward, coal dealer, 17 Trafalgar road
Cave Edward, nurseryman & seedsman, East street & 44 Pyle street
Cave Frank, coal dealer, 7 Trafalgar road
Cave Henry William, confectioner, 45 Pyle street
Cave Margaret (Mrs), apartments, Mabel villa
Caws & Co., wholesale grocers & provision merchants. 55 Lugley street & fruiterers, 73 High street
Champion Animated Picture Co. (The), (Albert J. Salter, manager), cinematograph proprietors, High street
1146 Results


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