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Carisbrooke - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 4

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

179 Results

Carisbrooke, Commercial
Wallis George, farmer Rodgbrooks
Wallis William, farmer, Hill cross
Woodford Thomas, market gardener, Gunville
Carisbrooke, Civic
The church of St. Mary - provides 500 sittings
The St. Nicholas in Castro Chapel is within Carisbrooke Castle, long ruinous, restored in 1906-7
A chapel to the Primitive Methodists
A chapel to the United Methodist at GUNVILLE, built in 1907 at a cost of 2,400GBP, which has 300 sittings
A chapel to the United Methodist at BOWCOMBE, built in 1908 with 180 sittings
A cemetery of 5 acres was formed in 1858, at a cost of about 3,000GBP, and enlarged by 3 acres in 1894 - it is under the control of a burial committee of 10 members, representing the parishes of Carisbrooke, Newport Vorough and Gatcombe.
The Convent of Our Lady of Reparation, of the order of St. Dominic, erected in 1866, at the cost of the Countess of Clare.
The Isle of Wight County Lunatic Asylum, erected in 1896 at a cost of 45,000GBP (not including equipment), includes a separate block for private patients, capable of holding 330 persons, at present (1911) there are 316 inmates.
The Albany barracks, built in 1799, originally known as Parkhurst barracks, wwere partially rebuilt in 1895. The barracks proper are capable of holding 929 non-commissioned officers and men, and 186 women and children, there are also officers'quarters and residences for the commandant and chief accountant. An extensive and enclosed camping ground adjoins.
Parkhurst prison was formed out of the hospital of the barracks, assigned by Government in 1838 as a general penitentiary : on 31 January 1955, a fire broke out in the prison and consumed property to the value of upwards of 1,000GBP ; at present there are between 700 and 800 prisoners. The prison and grounds extend to about 130 acres, 40 of which are occupied by the prison buildings and officers' houses. Fenders for the Admiralty are made by the prisoners.
The Union Workhouse for the wholew Island is situated in the parish.
ST. NICHOLAS-IN-THE-CASTLE has an area of 536 acres, since 1894 divided between the parishes of Northwood, Newport and Carisbrooke by the 'Divided Parishes Act,' and by the Act part of Chillerton was transferred from Wootton.
BOWCOMBE, a hamlet 2 miles south-west of Newport; Apse Down, 2 1/2 miles west ; Clatterford, half a mile south-west ; Whitcombe, a mile south, was transferred from Gatcombe to this parish under the 'Divided Parishes Act, 1882' ; Gunville, half a mile north.
Post, M. O. & T. Office - Walter Sidney North, sub-postmaster.
Albany Barracks, Parkhurst
Cemetery, F. D. Sheilds, Newport, clerk to the burial board ; William Matthews, keeper
Carisbrooke Castle, Capt. Francis John Stuart Hay-Newton M.V.O., deputy governor
County Lunatic Asylum, Harold B. Shaw B.A., M.B., B.C., D.P.H.Camb. Supt. ; Arthur Francis Reardon L.M.S.S.A.Lond. assistant medical officer ; James H. Green, clerk to the asylum
Union Workhouse, Parkhurst, Rev. George Henry Butler M.A. chaplain ; Sydney Valentine Hercules Underhill M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer ; John McKeown, master ; Mrs. E. McKeown, matron
Parkhurst Convict Prison - Governor, Captain Herbert J. Guyon ; Deputy Governor, Captain Benjamin H. Boucher D.S.O. ; Chaplain, Rev. Samual Percy Hammond Statham B.A. ; Medical Officier, Oliver Fereira Naylor Treadwell M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. ; Assistant Surgeons, R. Cunningham Brown M.D., B.Sc.Durh. and Charles Goring M.D., B.Sc.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.O.Lond. ; Storekeeper, Frank C. Marks ; Engineer and Foreman of Works, Henry V. Davies ; Chief Warder, John Mitchell
The School Board, formed in 1874, has been dissolved by the Education Act of 1902, and the schools are now controlled by a board of managers
Council School - built 1877 at a cost of 3,200GBP for 142 boys & 130 girls; average attendance 105 boys, 103 girls ; George Norman, master ; Miss Edith Crofts. mistress
Council School, (Parkhurst, Hunny hill); built in 1896 at a cost of 3,012GBP for 370 children; average attendance 161 boys and girls, 148 infants ; Thomas Adin Brearley, master ; Mrs. T. A. Brearley, mistress ; Miss Jessie Taylor, infants' mistress
Council school (non-provided) (infants), built 1839 for 80 children, enlarged 1893 for 110, average attendance 95. ; Miss Kate. Jarrett, mistress
179 Results

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