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Binstead - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 2

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

83 Results


Binstead, Commercial
Humphrey Thomas James, Fleming Arms P.H.
Inglis Thomas F.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.Edin., physician & surgeon (firm, Lowe & Inglis), 11 Arnold road
James Daniel, dairyman
James Edwin, builder, Glenroy
James William (Mrs.), apartments
Jenkins Edgar, brick maker, Fishbourne
Loader Charles, farmer, Binstead farm
Lowe & Inglis, physicians & surgeons, 11 Arnold road
Lowe Edgar, dairyman
Luckham Bertram Thomas, carpenter, Kite hill
Newbury John, blacksmith, Kite hill
Osborn George, coal merchant, Kite hill
Pearce William John, jobmaster
Reading Room & Workmen's Club (George John Springer, hon. Sec.)
Souter Brothers, millers (steam), Newnham farm
Souter Leonard John, farmer, Kite Hill farm
Tuck Thomas, blacksmith
Vanner Henry, market gardener, Kite hill
Venus James Henry, builder & undertaker
Westcomb Charles, chief boatman, Coast Guard station, Fishbourne
Wheeler William, boot maker
Woolger John White, news agent
Young James, boat owner, Fishbourne
Young Samuel, beer retailer, Fishbourne
Binstead, Civic
Church of the Holy Cross, rebuilt 1844, north aisle affed 1876 - churchyard includes headstone of Thomas Sivell, a smuggler, with inscription of how he was shot by a Customs officier
Wesleyan chapel
Cemetary formes 1856 on land presented by the late John B. Willis-Fleming, it is under the control of the Parish Council
A reading room erected in 1893 by Lieut. H. Cartside Tippinge, in memory of his uncle.
Quarr Abbey, the scanty ruins, is to the west of Binstead. The site was excavated in 1891 by Mr Percy Goddard Stone, F.R.I.B.A. A new church is now (1911) in the course of erection at an estimated cost of 15,000 GBP
Fishbourne is a small hamlet, 1 1/2 miles west from Binstead church.
Coast Guard Station, Fishbourne, Charles Wescomb, chief boatmen, and 7 men.
Post, M. O. & T. Office. - William Cooper, sub-postmaster.
Elementary School (mixed), built 1853, for 139 children ; average attendance, 109 ; George John Springer A.C.P. master ; Miss Elizabeth Holland Corbett, infent's mistress.
83 Results


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