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Niton - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

82 Results


Niton, Private
Beddow Frederick, Beauchamp
Cox Reginald, Reeth lodge
Dickenson Frederick, St. Catherine's house, Undercliff
Edgington Rev. Edward (Baptist), The Manse
Fairbrother Miss, Thatches
George Frederick, Clevelands
Hayward Mrs., St. Catherine's lodge
Holland Edward Lancelot, Westcliff, Undercliff
Holman Misses, 3 St. Catherine's terrace, Undercliff
Inns-Vine Arthur Vine, Puckaster cottage, Undercliff
Leith Mrs. Disney, The Orchard
Lock Major-General Henry, Southcliffe
Mortimer Miss, Mt. Cleves, Undercliff
Obbard Charles Henry, Crossbank
Oliver Thomas, Puckaster house, Undercliff
Richardson Mrs., Highfield paddock, Undercliff
Schmitz Hubert, Thorncliffe, Undercliff
Sells Rev. William M.A., Rectory
Wright Mrs., Puckwell house, Undercliff
Niton, Commercial
Armstrong Robert Henry M.B., C.M.Edin., surgery, High street
Attrill Edward, farmer Jobson's farm
Banks John, watch maker, High street
Barnes John, carrier, Revoice farm
Bastiani Frederick, fisherman
Baverstock Sidney John, grocer
Bright & Sons, furniture dealers, High street
Bright Kathleen (Miss), dress maker, Vectis cottage
Butt Arthur, jobmaster, Royal Sandrock Hotel stables
Bye Emma (Mrs.), stationer, Post office, High street
Cawston Mary A. (Mrs.), apartments, The Firs, Undercliff
Chambers George, coal merchant
Charlton Stanley, chief engineer in charge St. Catherine's Point light-house, Undercliff
Colenutt Samuel, plumber & glazier, 1 St. Catherine's terrace, Undercliff & carpenter, High street
Colenutt Windsor, brick merchant, Bierley
Cotton George Frampton, builder, Hill side
Cotton John, Buddle inn, Undercliff
Creeth Dorothy (Miss), infants' mistress, Elementary school (mixed), built in 1905 for 148 children; average attendance 130.
Creeth George William & Edward, plumbers, painters & glaziers, Church street
Creeth Roland, gardener to Edward Lancelot Holland esq., Westcliff, Undercliff
Forster Mary (Mrs.), dairy, Puckaster dairy, Undercliff
Fry George, Police constable
Goddard Albert, chief officier Coast Guard station, St. Catherine's point, Undercliff
Green Frank (Mrs.), Royal Sandrock hotel, Undercliff
Haddock Wilfred, master, Elementary school (mixed), built in 1905 for 148 children; average attendance 130.
Hatcher Frank, mason, High street
Hayles George, builder
Hayles Walter (Mrs.), dairy, Lacey's lane
Haynes Sarah (Mrs.), bathing machine owner, Undercliff
Hearn Alfred, farmer, Niton Manor farm
Heggs Francis Raymond M., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A., surgery, Church street
82 Results


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