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Freshwater Station - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

177 Results

Freshwater - Freshwater Station, Private
Bland Mrs., Kippis cottage
Collwell Mrs., Roseberry
Fry Mrs., Westbury cottage, Victoria road
Good Cecil Brent, Heathfield
Graham Maurice, Stroud house
Henry James Robert Went, Locksley
Hollis Alfred M.D., Tower house, Easton
Hopkins Arthur Henry M.B., Stroud
Hunter Miss, Camp lodge
Jeffrey George, Hill crest
Joyce Francis Albert, Windmill cottage
Kemmis Miss, Camp lodge
Parker Edwin, Woodlands, Camp road
Paul Mrs., Westbury cottage, Victoria road
Robertson Rev. Andrew John M.A. (rector), The Rectory
Robinson Lt.-Col. Macleod Bawtree C.M.G., Arcady, Heathfield road
Salter Charles, Myrtle cottage, Guyers road
Schofield Rev. George Henry (Wesleyan), Wesley villa
Simmonds Mrs., Woodleigh
Smith Benjamin, La-Quinta
Spencer Henry, Madeira cottage
Tennyson Lord P.C., G.C.M.G., D.L., J.P., Farringford house & Athenaeum club, London SW
Tucker Miss H., St. George, Middleton
Woodford Edgar, St Clare
Woodley Mrs., The Mount
Freshwater - Freshwater Station, Commercial
Ash George, wheelwright, School Green
Assembly Rooms (W.H.Elliott, manager), School Green
Awty Tom Alfred, watch maker, School Green
Baker Andrew, dining rooms, Station road
Barnes Frederick, cabinet maker, Camp road
Benham Henry, plumber, Victoria road
Biddlecombe Harry, boot maker, Tennyson road
Bishop Brothers, Boot makers, Tennyson road
Box Agnes (Miss), shopkeeper, Queen's road
Brading G. Cecil, tailor, Victoria road
Breaker William, insurnce agent, Queen's road
Brooks William, grocer, School Green
Burgess Frederick John, grocer & post office, Church place
Capital & Counties Bank Lim. (sub-branch) (Samuel E. P. Weatherhead, manager); tuesday & fridays 10 till 1, School Green; draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London EC
Chambers Alfred, blacksmith, Victoria road
Chantry John Jy., chemist, Avenue road
Chart David, Red Lion inn, Church place
Clough Sidney A., watch maker, School Green
Collis Eli J. & Son, shopkeepers, Church place
Conservative Club (Frank Osborne, sec.; Henry Ward, steward), Queen's road
Cook John Thomas, cabinet maker, High street
Cooper Alfred, cab proprietor, Myrtle house
Cooper William George, shoeing smith, School Green
Cotton Thomas, draper, High street
County Press (Mrs. Florence Elliott, School Green & G. Gubbins, Freshwater Bay, agents)
177 Results

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