Shanklin, Commercial |
Bradley Annie Maria (Miss), apartments, Fairmount, East Cliff promenade |
Bradley C. (Mrs.), fancy draper, High street |
Bright & Minns, dyers, Station road |
Bromley Eustace Charles (Mrs.), grocer & china dealer, Station road |
Brown Caroline (Miss), dress maker, Sedan cottage, East Cliff road |
Brown Joseph Milman, photographer, High street |
Brown Martin, apartments, 1 Rose villas, Brook road |
Bull Clement, jobbing gardener, Lindley villa, Florence road |
Bull Frederick, apartments, 2 Enville villas, Station road |
Bull Harry Newton, apartments, 2 Windlesham villas, Western road |
Bull Harry, apartments, 2 Rosmead, Albert road |
Bull William Edward (Mrs.), apartments, 1 Gotten terrace, Station road |
Bull William Frederick, verger of St. Paul's, Station road |
Burton Harry Francis, apartments, Leander, St. Paul's avenue |
Burton Thomas, apartments, Cliffe house, Queen's road & builder, Orchard Leigh road |
Byles George, tailor, 2 Eversham, St. John's road |
Calladine William, apartments, 4 Cliff cottages, Clarendon road |
Cantelo Spence, apartments, Clinton villa, St. George's road |
Capital & Counties Bank limited (Arthur Frederick Swayne, manager), High Street; draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London EC |
Carpenter Arthur, apartments, Anglesea house, Landguard road |
Carpenter Caroline Frances (Mrs.), laundress, Church road |
Cassell Samuel, apartments, 1 Eversham, St. John's road |
Cater John Newton, boot maker, 1 Grange road |
Cave Alfred, architect, house & estate agent, valuer & appraiser, & agent for the Lancashire Fire & Life, Accident Plate Glass, Employers' Liability, Imperial Live Stock &c. insurance offices, Addiscombe house, Station road |
Cemetery (T. Hamilton Urry, clerk to the burial board; Henry Dore, curator), Ellyard |
Chalcraft James, grocer, Atherley road |
Chambers Elizabeth (Mrs.), refreshment house, 1 East Cliff road |
Chambers Henry, Alexandra temperance hotel, High street |
Chambers Henry, refreshment rooms, High cliff, Luccombe road |
Chambers Walter, hair dresser, Stanwell house, High street |
Chaplin & Co., railway & general carriers, High street |
Chapman Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, Clairvaux, Atherley road |
Chapman Richard, engineer, Clarendon road & Station yard |
Charlo Frank, apartments, Farringford villa, Hope road. |
Charlo James, apartments, St. Cuthbert, St. Paul's avenue |
Chase William B., draper, High street |
Cheverton Eliza (Mrs.), Plough & Barleycorn P.H., North road |
Chilvers Miss, apartments, see Triggs & Chilvers (Misses) |
Chiverton Jeremiah, apartments, 2 East dene, Western road |
Church Miss Alice, mistress, Sandown road, Board school (Brading, Gatten and Lake), built 1883 and since enlarged for 150 boys, 150 girls and 180 infants; average attendance 85 boys, 79 girls, 82 infants. |
Clancy George, chief officer of coastguards, 1 Brighton terrace, Landguard road |
Clark Augustus Charles, cycle maker, High street |
Clarke William, window cleaner, 1 Oatlands, Atherley road |
Clavell Edward (Mrs.), apartments, Lynton villa, Carter's road |
Claypole Emily (Miss), apartments, Dorset villa, Esplanade |
Coastguard Watch House (George Clancy, station officer), Esplanade |
Coates Edward Francis, baker & confectioner, High street |
Cobbold Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, Oberon cottage, Hatherton road |
Coleman Charles William, jobbing gardener & apartments,. Holmwood, Sandown road |
Coleman George, jobbing gardener, 1 Rochester houses, Landguard road |
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