Shanklin, Private |
Appleton Col. William, Alresford lodge, Sandown road |
Atherley Arthur Harry Howard J.P., D.L. Landguard manor |
Atherley Lady Isabel Julia Elizabeth, Landguard manor |
Attwood Guy, Scinde house, North road |
Ball Ferdinand Mercer, Rolleston, East Cliff promenade |
Banting Mrs., Heathfield, Pomona road |
Barber Mrs. Katrick, Highfield road |
Barlow Capt. Frederick Watkins, Thornleigh, Luccombe road |
Baruch Julius, Hawthorndene, Florence road |
Basinet Laurence M., Ferndale, Hope road |
Bassett Rev. Alfred Young M.A., Holmfield, Clarence road |
Bidgood Edward, Everton, Chine avenue |
Bishop Mrs. Rolleston, East Cliff promenade |
Blake Edward F., The Towers, Steephill road |
Blake Henry, Ivy bank, Hope road |
Blake Sapte, Vernon house, East Cliff road |
Booth William Alfred, 1 Park view, West Hill road |
Bousfield Mrs., Coneyborough, Sandown road |
Bower Major George Cuthbertson, Madeira cottage, East Cliff road |
Boynton Mrs., Fernhurst, Western road |
Breach Mrs., Somerville, St. George's road |
Broad Miss, Clonfinn, Hatherton road |
Bromby Miss, 3 Dean villas, Wilton road |
Brooke Mrs., Glenbrook, Church road |
Brooke-Hitching Thomas Henry, The Mount, East Cliff road |
Brooks Thomas Charles, Orchardcroft, Victoria avenue |
Brown Andw. Henry, Oakdene, Hatherton road |
Brown Augustus, Felsberg, Wilton road |
Browne Col. Henry George V.C., J.P., Monteagle, Popham road |
Brumwell George Murray M.D., J.P., Dunelm, Victoria avenue |
Brumwell Miss, Barden, Victoria avenue |
Burden William, 2 Woodside villas, Albert road |
Burland Mrs., Lonsdale, St. George's road |
Burton Capt. Charles, Shanklin house, Prospect road |
Burton Miss, Palmerston villa, St. George's road |
Bush Frederick, Somerset, East Cliff promenade |
Cameron Miss, Tower cottage, Chine avenue |
Carter Arthur, 1 Rossendale, Victoria avenue |
Chamberlin Mrs., Kibitka, Clarence road |
Clarke Stephenson Robert, East mount, East Mount road |
Close Gen. Frederick, Cranleigh, Clarence road |
Cole Rev. William Barry B.A. (vicar St. John the Baptist), St. Blasius, Rectory road |
Colenutt Lewis, Westbury, Queen's road |
Cornish Frederick, Westfield, Highfield road |
Coster Guillaume Frederic J.P., Upper Chine house, Church road |
Cousins John, Odell villa, Station road |
Coussmaker Mrs., Bloomsbury villa, Palmerston road |
Cowper John M.B., Havelock house, Queen's road |
Crafts Miss, Willow bank, Atherley road |
Cranstoun Hon. Miss, Culver lodge, Hope road |
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