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Shorwell - 1960 Telephone directory - page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

40 Results

Alpe Graham, Lr Dene, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Barnes L., Yafford house, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Card E., Sandy way, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Carver E. E., Wolverton manor, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Clarke John P. S., Newbarn farm, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Clarke John P. S., Northcourt farm, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Clarke John P. S., Presford farm, Shorwell
Chale Green XXX
Clarke John P. S., Yafford mill, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Clarke M. St. G. S., The Old Rectory, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Dightam A. H., Ivy cottage, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Draper G. B., Dairy Farmer, Haslett farm, Shorwell
Chale Green XXX
Edwards V. G., The Crown Inn, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Gall Mrs. G. T., Oak cottage, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Godfrey L. C., Troopers, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Grimes Rev. W. E., The Vicarage, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Island Cottages Ltd, Reconstructed Stone works, The Green, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
IWCC School, Shorwell County
Brighstone XXX
Jones Stanley G., Little Yafford farm, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Lake Robert, AMIEE, Ladylands, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Leith Miss M. L., Northcourt, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
McCulloch Mrs. E., Rose cottage, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Morris Christopher C., Small moor farm, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Morris D. L., Dunge Wood farm, Shorwell
Chale Green XXX
Morris Mrs. Hilton, Farmer, Bucks farm, Shorwell, Newport
Chale Green XXX
Newnham A. J., Walkers, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Newnham B. J., Builder, Undertaker, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Newnham James O., Caerbrok, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Pringle Norman H., Bridleway, Walkers lane, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Reed J. E., Barrow house, Walkers lane, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Rolf O. M., Homelands, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Russell A. J. S., Farmer, Westcourt, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Russell H. J. L., Westlands, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Russell Mrs H. L., Westcourt, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Scotcher G. R., Sandbank farm, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Shorwell Chalk Ltd, Chalk Pit, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Shorwell PO
Brighstone XXX
Shorwell Stores
Brighstone XXX
Wadlow D. L., AMIEE, Yafford, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Wood E. J., 1 Russell road, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
Wright Dudley, The Green, Shorwell
Brighstone XXX
40 Results