Shorwell/Shorwell | |
Alpe Graham, Lr Dene, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Barnes L., Yafford house, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Card E., Sandy way, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Carver E. E., Wolverton manor, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Clarke John P. S., Newbarn farm, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Clarke John P. S., Northcourt farm, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Clarke John P. S., Presford farm, Shorwell | Chale Green XXX |
Clarke John P. S., Yafford mill, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Clarke M. St. G. S., The Old Rectory, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Dightam A. H., Ivy cottage, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Draper G. B., Dairy Farmer, Haslett farm, Shorwell | Chale Green XXX |
Edwards V. G., The Crown Inn, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Gall Mrs. G. T., Oak cottage, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Godfrey L. C., Troopers, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Grimes Rev. W. E., The Vicarage, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Island Cottages Ltd, Reconstructed Stone works, The Green, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
IWCC School, Shorwell County | Brighstone XXX |
Jones Stanley G., Little Yafford farm, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Lake Robert, AMIEE, Ladylands, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Leith Miss M. L., Northcourt, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
McCulloch Mrs. E., Rose cottage, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Morris Christopher C., Small moor farm, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Morris D. L., Dunge Wood farm, Shorwell | Chale Green XXX |
Morris Mrs. Hilton, Farmer, Bucks farm, Shorwell, Newport | Chale Green XXX |
Newnham A. J., Walkers, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Newnham B. J., Builder, Undertaker, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Newnham James O., Caerbrok, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Pringle Norman H., Bridleway, Walkers lane, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Reed J. E., Barrow house, Walkers lane, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Rolf O. M., Homelands, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Russell A. J. S., Farmer, Westcourt, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Russell H. J. L., Westlands, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Russell Mrs H. L., Westcourt, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Scotcher G. R., Sandbank farm, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Shorwell Chalk Ltd, Chalk Pit, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Shorwell PO | Brighstone XXX |
Shorwell Stores | Brighstone XXX |
Wadlow D. L., AMIEE, Yafford, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Wood E. J., 1 Russell road, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |
Wright Dudley, The Green, Shorwell | Brighstone XXX |