Entries from 1951 Kelly's Isle of Wight directories
for East Street, Newport

1951 list of towns

Total number of matches found: 20

To account for missing Numbers in Streets, it may be understood that either the house was empty at the time the revision was made, or let in weekly tenements, or that the information was refused.
From High street to 79 South street
East side. - all demolished
Guy Thomas, general engineer
Wooldridge J. W. Ltd., millers (Ford mill)
Sandford Nurseries (Godshill) Ltd
Wight Sack Co., sack hirers (Ford house)
White House Carriers (Ford house)
West side.
4 Lock Mrs.
6 Trindles J.
6 Hammond E.
6 Jacombs R.
10 Gustar John
here is Pyle street - all from here demolished circa. 2011
12 O'Dell George
14 Gooch Mrs. K.
16 Cornaby Mrs.
16 White Mrs.
18 to 28 Widows' Rest Almshouses
30 Shoulder of Mutton P.H., James McCarthy

1951 list of towns